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- Authors
- Name
- Arnaud Ferrand
- Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it. [GoF, p127]
- Encapsulated "just-in-time initialization" or "initialization on first use".
UML class diagram

The classes and/or objects participating in this pattern are :
- Singleton defines an Instance operation that lets clients access its unique instance. Instance is a class operation. responsible for creating and maintaining its own unique instance.
Sample code
This code demonstrates the Singleton pattern which assures only a single instance (the singleton) of the class can be created.
public class Singleton {
private static Singleton _instance= null;
* La présence d'un constructeur privé supprime
* le constructeur public par défaut.
private Singleton() {}
* Le mot-clé synchronized sur la méthode de création
* empêche toute instanciation multiple même par
* différents threads.
* Retourne l'instance du singleton.
public synchronized static Singleton getInstance() {
if (_instance== null)
_instance= new Singleton();
return _instance;
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Creational Patterns : Singleton
// --------------------------------------------------------
using System;
namespace DesignPatterns
/// <summary>
/// The singleton class.
/// A single instance of the class can be created
/// </summary>
public class Singleton
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
private static Singleton instance = null;
/// <summary>
/// Private Constructor
/// </summary>
private Singleton()
/// <summary>
/// gets the singleton instance
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The singleton instance</returns>
public static Singleton Instance()
// 'Lazy initialization'
if (instance == null)
instance = new Singleton();
return instance;
} // end class
/// <summary>
/// Testing class
/// </summary>
public class SingletonTest
public static void Main()
// Getting references to the Singleton
Singleton s1 = Singleton.Instance();
Singleton s2 = Singleton.Instance();
if (s1 == s2)
Console.WriteLine("References are the same. The objects share the same instance");
// Wait for user
} // end class