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A simple PHP Gallery

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    Arnaud Ferrand

"A very light gallery" whose purpose is to display a page with "thumbnail" of all the images in a directory.

This script makes it possible to list the files of the directory in which it is located; display images with a maximum border of 150 pixels; and show the original size of the image. Finally, a link on the image allows you to see the image in real size.

  // Afficher le dossier courant

  $dossier = opendir($folder);

  if ($dossier != false) {

    while($Fichier = readdir($dossier)) {

      // TODO : comment prendre en compte uniquement les fichiers images
      if ($Fichier != '.' && $Fichier != '..' && $Fichier != 'index.php' && $Fichier != 'image.php') {
        // Nom de l'image.

        // Taille à ne pas dépasser.

        // On récupère les dimension initiales de l'image.
        $img = getimagesize($source);

        // "Redimensionnement".
        if ($x > $y && $x > $taillemax) {
        } else if ($y > $x && $y > $taillemax) {
        } else if ($y == $x && $x > $taillemax ) {

        // On peut afficher l'image.
        <a href="image.php?source=<?=$source?>&x=<?=$xori?>&y=<?=$yori?>"><img src="<?=$source?>" alt="" border="0" width="<?=$x?>" height="<?=$y?>"></a>
        taille originale : <?=$xori?>x<?=$yori?><br/>

Then the image page contains the full size image and a link back to the index page.

<div align="center">

echo $_GET["source"], " ", $_GET["x"], " ", $_GET["y"];

$img = $_GET["source"];

<img src="<?=$img?>" alt="" width="<?=$x?>" height="<?=$y?>">

<a href="index.php"><b>Retour</b></a>